Vol. XIII, Week 29 Jul 22, 2024


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A favorite point of those who promote "adopt, don't shop" is that mixed breed dogs are "healthier" than pure-bred dogs. Findings published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science suggest hat is not the casae.

In a study involving 27,541 companion dogs, data showed that mixed-breed dogs are just as likely to experience common health conditions as their purebred counterparts. A smaller gene pool doesn’t make a purebred dog more likely to have common dog diseases when compared to a mixed-breed dog.

This study, led by the Dog Aging Project, helps debunk the misconception that purebred dogs are at a physiological disadvantage when compared to mixed-breed dogs. A dog’s health profile (and longevity) is unique to their genetic makeup, diet, and other related factors — and not breeding alone.


From NAIA Weekly:

Pressure from myriad groups: pet owners, the dog sports community, rescues and shelters, veterinary agencies, service animal organizations, the International Airline Transport Association, Canadian government agencies, border state lawmakers, and others, has led the CDC to ease up on a new rule that would have made travel between the U.S. and Canada with a dog much more difficult. 

The rule, which would have taken effect on August 1st, has been greatly simplified. Now, it states that if your dog has been in a low-risk/rabies-free country for at least the last six months, you just need to complete an import form and the dog needs to be microchipped. The chip is the most significant new requirement, and there are definitely some members of the dog community who won’t appreciate this. There are also accessibility issues with the import form that need to be ironed out. All that said, this is much less burdensome than before, and shows that the CDC is willing to listen to stakeholders, and adapt as it receives new information.

Mississippi Headwaters Q

1st-Play Misty for Me Katie (YLF, 3.5 yo), owned and handled by David Carpenter
2nd-Lynnrivers Triple Dawg Dare Ya (BLF, 2.7 yo), owned and handled by Debora Cadene
4th-HRCH Holiday's Mollie Belle MH13 (YLF, 6 yo) owned by Bradley Smith, Terry Smith and handled by Bradley Smith
RJ-HRCH Lynnrivers Bdl Locked N Loaded (BLF, 6.8 yo), owned and handled by Debora Cadene
Jam-Norwester Coldtrack Murder Hornet (BLF, 2.7 yo) owned by Budd Denny, Keith Macgillvray and handled by Budd Denny (Cold Track Kennels).

Week 29

This week’s newsletter includes results from:

American Chesapeake Club (ACC) - see full results
Chippewa Valley Retriever Club (CVRC) - see full results
Colorado Women's Retriever Club (CWRC) - see full results
La Crosse Amateur Retriever Club (LaCARC) - see full results
Michiana Retriever Club (MichaRC) - see full results
Michigan Flyways Retriever Club (MFRC) - see full results
Minnesota Iron Range Retriever Club (MIRRC) - see full results
Mississippi Headwaters Retriever Club (MissHRC) - see full results
Rocky Mountain Retriever Club (RMRC) - see full results
West Allis Training Kennel Club (WATKC) - see full results
West Central Minnesota Retriever Club (WCMRC) - see full results
Willamette Valley Retriever Club (WVRC) - see full results
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