is designed to help you find a vet with the special expertise you need. Vets listed here have been identified by the sporting dog community as a person or organization with which they have had a positive experience.
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- Veterinarians (287)
604 Elsa Dr
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
Short Business Description: He has been working almost exclusively with show dogs providing breeder specific services since 1987. These include infertility evaluation and treatment, collection/storage/shipment of as well as surgical /transcervical insemination of chilled and frozen semen. He networks with veterinarians specializing in reproduction throughout the world.
6370 Grimes Canyon Road
Moorpark, California 93021
Moorpark, California 93021
Short Business Description: Kenneth Bruecker is an active participate in working groups on elbow dysplasia, shoulder injuries, advanced techniques in small animal arthroscopy and cranial cruciate ligament repair.