Vol. XIII, Week 11 Mar 20, 2023


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Legislative NEws

Radical Breeder Bills Pending in Florida

A pair of animal extremist bills recently introduced in the Sunshine State will classify any unsterilized adult female dog as a “breeding female” and require an owner of any “breeding female” to register as a “breeder” with the state. Once registered, such “breeders” will be subject to a massive set of new regulations, including unannounced inspections, excessive standards of care, potential fines even for paperwork errors, and any additional regulations instituted after the bills pass.

Senate Bill 1492, sponsored by Senator Jonathan Martin (R-33), and its House companion, House Bill 1581, sponsored by Representative Linda Chaney (R-61), are among the most radical animal bills ever introduced anywhere in the country. The bills draw no distinction between large commercial operations and hobby breeders and sporting dog owners who breed dogs for hunting, performance events, or for show. To the animal extremists, one unsterilized female dog is one too many, so making it impossible for average law-abiding citizens to own such dogs is the goal. READ MORE

Reading Your Retriever

The Retriever Journal has a good article by Tom Kerr.

Just because a gun dog can’t speak doesn’t mean he’s not saying anything. That’s why observant handlers are always watching their dogs. Sure, they are monitoring their performance of the given command, but they’re also looking for insight as to how the dog feels. Reading their body language is key for elevating their performance levels, and here are some things pro trainers look for when they cut loose their string.

Chris Akin, Webb Footed Kennels, Jonesboro, Arkansas, says that anyone can read a dog, especially because they’re a lot like reading a teenager. The Eukanuba pro trainer says, “Dogs are like teenagers, and their body language tells it all. Walk down the hall in a high school and you’ll see a guy standing straight up with his chest puffed out. He’s confident, bold, and may even be a little cocky. Another student that averts eye contact and walks with shoulders slumped down probably is feeling somewhat insecure. If you can walk into a room and read people, then you can do the same with dogs.

“Akin says forward means go and backward means no. “Any time you see forward movement in a dog, you know that he’s feeling confident, happy, and ready to go to work,” he said. “I look at tails, eyes, ears, and shoulders. High tails, bright eyes, and forward ears tell me a dog’s ready to go. But I key in on the shoulders. If a dog’s shoulders are slightly forward, we’re good. If they’re really far forward, then I’ve got an arrogant dog. That cocky dog is going to have a big run, but he’s gonna test you every step of the way. By watching him you know you’ve got to throttle him back to keep him focused and on track.

“Backward position can be one of two things, says Akin. “A dog with ears pinned back can be scared just as a tail tucked under his body can show he lacks confidence. Training should be to focus on getting them into a better place where they’re having fun and enjoying their work. But I always question how they’re feeling, too. I watch them during feeding time to gauge volume and speed in which they eat. We’re constantly watching water intake, and we look at a dog’s gum line to make sure they’re light pink, which is an indication of proper hydration. Dogs with lighter or darker gums might not be getting enough nutrition, and if there is any sign of unusual behavior, we’ll take a temperature. If the dog’s temperature is out of line, then we’ll head to the vet. Something is wrong, and it’s always better to catch it earlier than later.

“And if a dog is licking his lips when you give a command? “He’s submitting and is obedient,” Akin says. “If he doesn’t, then you probably are going to have to focus on bringing him under control.”

Read the rest of the article here.

Week 11

This week’s newsletter includes results from:

Black Warrior Retriever Club (BWRC) - see full results
Cape Fear Retriever Club (CapeFearRC) - see full results
Central Arkansas Retriever Club (CARC) - see full results
Central Savannah River Area Retriever Club (CSRARC) - see full results
Red River Retriever Club (RRRC) - see full results
South Texas Retriever Club (STRC) - see full results
Tired Creek Retriever Club (TrdCkRC) - see full results
Waterloo Amateur Retriever Club (WaterARC) - see full results
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