Vol. XIII, Week 22 Jun 3, 2024


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Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

From the AKC Website
Canine sleeping patterns closely mimic our own, but differ in a key way. When entering sleep, they take about 10 minutes to transition from the slow wave — during which breathing slows, blood pressure drops, and heart rate decreases — into rapid eye movement (REM). In the REM phase, their eyes roll under closed lids, and their body might react to dreams.

Dogs only spend about 10% of their snoozing time in REM because of their irregular sleep patterns. Since they tend to doze off whenever they want, often out of boredom, they also wake up quickly and jump to alertness. As a result, dogs require more total sleep to compensate for their lost REM.

By contrast, humans spend up to 25% of sleep in REM, reflecting their more typical schedule of staying awake all day and resting through the night.

You can read more here.

Week 22

This week’s newsletter includes results from:

Cheyenne Retriever Club (CheyRC) - see full results
First State Retriever Club (FirstRC) - see full results
Flat River Retriever Club Of Michigan (FRRCOM) - see full results
Fort Pitt Retriever Club (FPRC) - see full results
Montana Retriever Club (MRC) - see full results
Northern Flight Hunting Retrievers Association (NFHRA) - see full results
Retriever Club Of Alaska (RCOA) - see full results
Watopa Retriever Club (WatRC) - see full results
West Central Minnesota Retriever Club (WCMRC) - see full results
Wood River Retriever Club (WoodRvrRC) - see full results


All Age Points:
FC-AFC High Desert Morning (BLF, 10.2 yo) owned by Ed Neilson, Laurie Neilson has earned 84.5 Points

Open Points:
FC Bourgeois' Ouisie, Now I'm Getting My Turn At Bat (BLM, 6.6 yo) owned by Christopher Bourgeois, David Hare has earned 29.5 Points

Amateur Points:
FC-AFC Whitewater's Sunday Sermon (BLM, 7.6 yo) owned by Harold Strahle, Marianne Strahle has earned 96 Points
AFC-FTCH-AFTCH Duckwaters Waltz Across Texas QFTR-MH (BLF, 10.2 yo) owned by Chris Brandl has earned 52.5 Points

Derby Points:
Pro Stock Ford 1 (BLM, 1.9 yo) owned by Jackie Gonia has earned 60 Points

Back-to-Back Wins
A Cowboy To Be Reckoned With (BLM, 1.8 yo), owned by Jeff Recknagel, won back-to-back Derbys at Flat River Retriever Club Of Michigan

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